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v0.8.4 - Loot the Rooms!
This version introduces a new 'Lootility' ability, which let's you loot a Room. Depending on chance, you either get an Item, Nothing, or a new Monster appears...
v0.8.3 - Update to Unity LTS Version (2022.3.x)
I wanted to update to 2022.2 for some time now, but there where multiple issues that prevented me from doing so: A Bug prevented an Asset I was using to work wi...
v0.8.2 - More fixes
Character Appearance and Player Name are persisted/saved on client (Indexed DB) now even after a new release Improved sorting of Combatants (Characters and Mons...
v0.8.1 - Small fixes and enhancements
Allow wielding two one-handed weapons if hands are free Correctly change appearance when switching Species Most Monsters are stronger now...
v0.8 - Stamina and Health
Players have Stamina now. When Players start their turn, they get 2 Stamina points. Exploring the dungeon / moving from one room to another one costs one Stamin...
v0.7.6 - Bugfix release
Just some small fixes before working on the next feature (Movement annd Hitpoints) Fixed bug that makes weapons disapear after using strength potion Helmets and...
v0.7.5 - Time to Loot!
Finally, this update brings some Loot! Monsters drop items as reward now after they were defeated. Those are either additional Potions or Equipment. The items a...
v0.7.4 - Texture Compression Variants
I was busy the last months with lots of other things, still I decided to take part in the Game Off Game Jam . Unfortunately, due to my time constraints, I was o...

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